As friendships are born on the internet, so are bvacation/b destination points. So, last fall I selected the cities of Mantova, Bardolino, Parma and Lerici. In Mantova we visited the in-laws of my dear friend Roberta, who have a summer home in the ... Again, I will have to get back to you on that?more field research is required! Al mare in Lerici. Italia bil/b cuore resta bcon te/b. Ci ritornero'bil/b piu' presto possibile! Italy my heart is with you, I will return as soon as I can! ...
This morning, I spent some time working around with it with some charcoal pencil and white bconté/b. Can't overdo it can I? Model: Ashley There were really a couple of angles (like the side) I would have liked to draw, but alas, so little time ... not to mention the antics of Captain Marrrk ... NEW WORK FROM MIKE HALBERT - The purpose of this BLOG is to feature the current work(s) of the many ILLUSTRATORS' who are currently, and actively pursuing the business of creating bIL/b. ...